5 Common Causes of Untimely Spotting Outside of Menstrual Cycle
Many women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods sometime in their lives. There are multiple reasons that this takes place and we at Apele have been privy to hundreds of conversations surrounding your various causes and concerns regarding spotting. This phenomenon, that is defined as light vaginal bleeding that happens outside of your regular periods, is more common than you may think. Here, we share some of the many reasons that you could be experience spotting, as well as, how Apele everyday undies can help you or those you know dealing with issue find confidence and consistency.
Typically, spotting involves small amounts of blood, versus the average flow. Women typically notice it when wiping or even in their panty crotch area, often prompting the use of panty liners, as it isn’t near enough blood to call for a tampon or thick pad. Of course, Apele everyday panties replace your pantyliner and act as a simple and sophisticated way to capture any extra spotting while also saving you hundreds of dollars in disposable products and purchases.
While bleeding or spotting any time other than when you have your period is considered abnormal vaginal bleeding, or intermenstrual bleeding, there can be causes that are easily remedied. There also are causes that would generate more concern.
Let’s look at some of the more usual cases and less likely to be serious conditions.
Contraceptives. Birth control can play a huge role in menstrual health and consistency. So much so that we dedicated an entire blog, “How Contraceptives Affect your Period”, to the topic just last week! In short, because of the very nature of birth control pills to be the management and maintenance of your hormones, spotting can take place as your body gets acquainted with the addition or even lapse in using such prescribed options. From the onset of a new contraceptive (like the first 3 months or so) to an accidental hiccup in remembering to take a pill or shot at a prescribed time, to changes in dosage, there are many reasons this fluctuation in frequency can throw your body off balance, resulting in spotting and sporadic bleeding.
Ovulation. There is a very small population of women who experience spotting during their ovulation phase of their monthly cycle. That is, typically, between days 11 and 21, following the first day of their most recent period. Only about 3 percent of women experience spotting related to ovulation, which manifests as light bleeding that occurs when your ovary releases an egg. What is typically light pink or red in color may show up in spotty streaks for a day or two and also may be accompanied by signs of cervical mucus (which looks similar to that of egg whites) and even more vaginal discharge as an increased sex drive could encourage more natural secretions for lubrication. The reports of women affected by “ovulation spotting” could be under-reported as those women who are looking to conceive may be more aware of these symptoms. Paying close attention to these days between regular monthly cycles has been known to help aspiring mothers narrow down their window to conceive.
Pregnancy Implantation. A unique case for some women upon actual conception is known as implantation spotting, which may occur when a fertilized egg attaches to the inner lining of your uterus. When it does happen, many women report it taking place a few days before their next period would have otherwise started. Oftentimes, implantation bleeding is usually light pink to dark brown in color, and while it can be a little more than spotting, it is still a much lighter and in flow and shorter in length than your average menstrual cycle.
Fortunately, implantation bleeding isn’t something to stress over as it doesn’t imply harm to baby. However, if you do notice heavier bleeding and changes in color, you should certainly speak with your provider to rule out any other issues or concerns.
Pregnancy. Once conception has taken place, the 9-month (arguably 10-month) journey to pregnancy begins. Though you menstrual cycles wills top during pregnancy, spotting during pregnancy is not uncommon. In fact, studies state that 15 to 25 percent of women will experience spotting during their first trimester. The bleeding is often light, and the color may be pink, red, or brown. Of course, keeping track of such at each appointment is helpful so that your doctor can monitor your process – particularly if your spotting comes with pelvic pain. Apele everyday undies serve as that ideal protection for those untimely spotting moments that happen to flow at the most unexpected times!
Perimenopause. As you name implies, “perimenopause” is the menopause transition and typically takes place in the years leading up to menopause ( where the period stops altogether.) As the ovaries gradually begin to make less estrogen, women experience months where they will not ovulate. During this timeframe, women often report more irregular periods and sometimes just spotting. Apele everyday undies have become a helpful solution to these transitional milestones since they act as a protective layer that is both comfortable and classy, as opposed to, bulky and unnecessary.
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