Can a Pill Make You Start Your Period Sooner?


If you’re reading this article, you are likely stressing about an upcoming date or event, a period that usually would have started by now but hasn’t, or similar.  Take a deep breath, first. Because stress will definitely keep your hormones in disarray at your period at bay.  

We have some potentially good news for you.  Whatever your reason for wanting your cycle to visit either on time or sooner rather than later, we have compiled a list of rumored remedies that may just help your “Aunt Flo” to the finish line.

Though our cycles are unique to our bodies, they also react to exterior forces, some of which can induce your period to come early.  Do keep in mind that this may not be the most ideal but it is worth a try!

  1. Take a Birth Control Pill

According to Dr. Valerie French, “if you want to get your period sooner, then just switch to your placebo pills. If you want to skip your period all together, go straight into the hormonal pills instead of taking your placebos the week you’re supposed to.” Talk to your OBGYN about your birth control options and your intentions for taking them.  This may take a few weeks to get in your system so ensure this works with the timeframe you are setting to be able to prompt your period – be it an upcoming travel date, event, etc.

  1. Sexy time.

During intercourse, the stimulation of the vagina causes pelvic blood flow to head in that direction. Afterwards, the vaginal muscles relax which causes a shedding of the uterine lining, which could potentially start you cycle sooner!


  1. Feeling gingerly with ginger tea.

There are certain herbs that are connected to stimulating blood flow in the pelvic regions. Consider some teas with herbs like ginger, parsley, rosemary or sage. The recommended dosage for these herbs is two to four cups a day, taken in tea form. Take them as directed and don’t overdue dosage in an attempt to rush your cycle. Remember, stress free sipping is best. Let the herbs work the way they will.

  1. Get moving!

If you want to get the blood flowing, get the blood flowing!  Sounds easy enough, right?  Participating in exercise will release endorphins while also lowering estrogen level – both of which take place naturally when your cycle starts. Both are ideal when trying to induce your period. Hence, working out could help your cycle schedule work out in your favor also!

  1. Juice.

Orange juice is known for its vitamin C compounds.  It is rumored to help trigger period flow.  If you aren’t a big fan of tea, juice is a wonderful alternative. Consider using a juicer and juicing oranges for a more concentrated concoction!


Whatever your preference for promoting your period’s onset, consider the above options as possible ways to get your flow flowing at a frequency you hope for.

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