6 Common Questions about Your Period (and their Answers)



If you are reading this, you may be wanting some simple questions answered on the topic of menstruation or period and what exactly those words even mean. We came up with 7 common question asked about that lovely time of the month.


Why the name menstruation?


Let's start with simplicity. Where in the world did they come up with the name menstruation?


“Menses" is Latin for month so it makes sense to say this is for that time of the month.



Is it possible to get pregnant during your period?


There is always a chance! It is possible for fertilization to occur during the phase of your cycle- between 21 and 35 days. Ovulation occurs 2 weeks before your period which could be between day 7 and 21 of your period. You may have breakthrough bleeding at times which some women may think it is an actual period. Safe bet, use a contraceptive.


Why do I get back pain on my period?


As women, we endure a lot of scrutiny with aches and pain. Aching muscles are a result of chemical messengers in the body called prostaglandins, which are similar to hormones. These chemicals act like messengers to make your womb contract in order to get rid if its lining. While the contracting of the womb does this, contacting then leads to tension in back and abdomen.


Why do my boobs hurt?


A most common question. While your period is all hormonal, there is a sudden surge of estrogen which causes breast tissue to swell thus leading to pain in your breasts.




Why am I constantly going number two?


During your menstrual cycle, those prostaglandins that were mentioned earlier cause your uterine muscles to contract, creating those cramps. Sometimes those prostaglandins escape into your bloodstream and affect other smooth muscles including those in your colon. Think of it as a laxative during your period. Little tip to help with that? Eat more high-fiber foods such as broccoli, cauliflower or apples to help alleviate diarrhea.


Why do I get those chocolate cravings?


While so much science has backed up menstrual cycle chocolate-loving, there is no real primal reason why women crave chocolate. The only thing doctors and scientists can think of is all the hormonal fluctuations.  While it’s ok to grab a snack, be mindful that that snack can cause your blood sugar to plummet which will send you wanting to grab another one...and another...and, well, you get the point.


While there are hundreds of questions pertaining to your period, these pulled were amongst the top questions asked.


So to play it safe, always have a contraceptive in place. Take some Motrin for the pain caused by prostaglandins, eat more fiber, and if you want a sugary snack...reach for that apple instead of that Hershey’s chocolate bar. It will give you your fiber and give you that sweetness you are looking for. Your body will thank you.

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