8 Tips to Manage Period Pimples


So you think puberty is the only time that you may see Mt. Everest appear on your face? Certain conditions can cause an eruption on your face even after your puberty years. There are preventative measures to help squash those eruptions. Here we share a few of our faves for your face!


Keep your face clean


Even if you do not have acne, it is vital to wash your face twice a day. Preferably when you wake up and before you go to bed. Doing this can help get rid of built up oil excess and any dead skin cells. When washing your face, veer away from using hot water. Use warm water. Find a mild facial cleanser that is appropriate for your skin. While microdermabrasions are amazing for your skin, when washing your face, stay clear from scrubbing your face with a washcloth or loofah.  Rather, wash your face with a soft washcloth. Your skin is gentle and needs to be taken care of as such.




Many acne products contain ingredients that contain drying ingredients. Always use a moisturizer to minimize dryness and skin peeling.  It can't be too dry or too oily. There are, however, moisturizers that are meant specifically for your skin. Whether it is oily skin or dry skin, there are skin specifics that make it easier to maintain. Choose wisely and give it a good week or two of consistent use to measure if the product you chose is ideal for your skin care regimen.


Over the counter medicines


If you do experience blemishes on your face, there are over the counter medicines to help get rid of them. These active ingredients may include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid which may curb any bacteria and dry your skin. While pimples are started by oils trapped in your pores, the main ingredients in many OTC options help absorb the oils to help prevent further pimples.





Use makeup sparingly


During a breakout, it is imperative to keep the surface clean. It's like filling those pores with more oils and causing more breakouts. Our pores need to breathe so the less makeup, the better. However if you do decide you need to add a little paint to your canvas, look for makeup that says “noncomedogenic" which means “should not cause acne".


Watch what you put in your hair.


Avoid using fragrant oils, pomades and gels on your face. While having stylish well placed hair is great, the oils and ingredients that fall on our face can further irritate the skin and cause oil build up.


Keep hands off your face


While bacteria and oils lingers on your hands, when propping your hand on your face or touching your face, bacteria and those oils can transfer on your fragile face causing...yup...you got it...more breakouts.


Feed your skin


You know how the saying goes “You are what you eat”. Our body needs good nutrition. Greasy foods are not the best for our skin. As it goes, fruits and vegetables and less-processed foods are good for our skin giving it natural glow and less breakouts.


Manage Stress


We know stress can take a toll on our body. But to what extent? Stress can cause fluctuation in your hormones which can lead to acne. Try to take some time to relax and decompress. Feelings of stress will pass if you just breathe.


In conclusion, our face is gentle and fragile. It goes through the motions of life. And it shows if we don't take the preventative measures to inhibit those conditions. So be gentle in order to put your best face forward!

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