A Food Pyramid for Your Period

Commercials might portray women happily going about their lives even while on their periods. But the truth, for many, can be far from it. Getting your period is literally, and quite often, a pain. From getting cramps to nausea to the mood swings, your menstrual cycle can be a challenging time. But to ease your sufferings a little, here is a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid during your period.

What to Eat

Go Green
Green vegetables are probably the last thing you want to eat when on your period, especially if your hormone-riddled body is craving something sweeter. But trust me, your body will thank you for it.  Vegetables such as spinach, kale and collard greens are a great source of calcium and iron that your body becomes deficient in during your period.

I’m sure that got your attention. But I’m not referring to that chocolate pie you have been eyeing all day. Instead, go for the darkest chocolate you can find. The higher the percentage of cacao, the higher the levels of magnesium it holds. Magnesium greatly helps in keeping the mood swings at bay and leaves you feeling happy as it promotes the secretion of serotonin in the body. Indulging in some dark chocolate a couple of days before your period starts can also help reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Proteins play a major role in keeping your sugar cravings in check. This is done by regulating your blood sugar levels. Good sources of protein include tofu, nuts, eggs and meat.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 which helps to relax the muscles, thereby providing much needed relief from cramps and period pain. Also, consuming fish oil regularly is good for health in general and in particular it helps keep the PMS symptoms under control.

Water retention and bloating are common symptoms during periods. To avoid these, make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. Water has the ability to always make you feel better. This is proven true especially while you are on your period.

What to Avoid

No matter how much you are craving them, sugars are a big N-O. The sugars increase your blood sugar levels leaving you feeling grumpy and moody. Sugary delights might make you feel better temporarily, but will ultimately worsen the mood swings. So, to keep your moods in check, lay off the sugar.

Whether it's coffee, tea or a cold beverage, caffeine isn’t a good idea while on your period. Caffeine, which seems to work like magic on other days, can significantly worsen the situation during periods. This is because caffeine increases stomach acid, irritates the stomach and intestines and causes bloating. Instead, opt for milder substitutes such as chamomile tea.

Consume salt in moderation while on your period. Salt can lead to bloating and water retention. So, a salt-free cycle is a great idea to entertain. 

As you introduce these suggested foods and beverages during your cycle, you may notice that it eases in the body’s ability to hemorrhage, releasing more blood.  As always, we suggest allowing the natural flow of things to happen, while ensuring your confidence and comfort, while wearing our Apele period panties. 

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