How Anorexia Affects Monthly Periods

Nowadays, there is an increase in eating disorder (Anorexia) cases on social media and the internet. Celebrities from different parts of the world are talking about their own struggles with anorexia. They speak out about their body images as well as their eating disorders battles. Celebs like Victoria Beckham, Oprah, Princess Diana and others have at one point talked about their struggle with the eating disorder. Anorexia might lead to many health issues, including, menstruation cycle disruption.

Anorexia and Menstrual cycle

Menstruation cycles vary from woman to woman. Some may get theirs on the same day each month, while others have lighter flow, irregular periods, PMS and painful cramps.  Anorexia can cause severe weight loss, and this is where the menstrual cycle comes in place. Because of the excess weight loss, your body hormones change.

The brain is responsible for regulating hormonal fluctuation within your body. The hormonal fluctuations can be suppressed, halted or altered, which in turn, affects your menstrual cycle. Although sometimes you can continue to have regular periods for months to follow, at some point, those facing anorexia may start experiencing irregular periods.

People with eating disorders often experience secondary amenorrhea. Because of the overly restrictive eating pattern, and excessive weight loss, this condition causes a delay in your menstrual period timing.

Consequences of dealing with irregular menstruation

Nowadays, scientists and researchers from all over the world have research and documented the consequences of irregular periods caused by Anorexia.  Some women fear the idea of developing pre-menopausal symptoms and not being able to have children in the future because of irregular periods. The loss in estrogen levels and hormonal imbalances may lead to symptoms like loss of sleep, frequent wakening, and irritable moods in general. The sooner you treat your eating disorder, the better for you.

It's important to be honest with yourself or anyone struggling with anorexia. A primary care physician or treatments from a facility that specializes with anorexia can help you. Mental health therapist, professionals, medical doctors and psychiatrists can diagnose your existing condition and help you with treatments that will go a long way in regulating your menstrual periods.

Some of our customers have shared stories of their own journey through this battle and of course, recommend others seek out professional assistance as well. Where Apele comes in is acting as a layer of protection and comfort for these irregular and untimely periods or spotting that can occur as the body is transitioning and bleeding outside of a consistent schedule.

I we can be of assistance to you or a loved one, do let us know how we can support!

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