Is Urinary Incontinence Reversible?
With our most recent package of panties sent to London, we’ve officially traveled the globe now assisting women of all ages and demographics with urinary incontinence, or loss of bladder control.
Naturally, this can be extremely frustrating for anyone suffering from such. Many of our conversations sound a lot like a woman sharing she fears the inevitable yet unannounced sneeze or cough that prompts the occasional leak.
Not knowing when and where you might have an accident can significantly (and negatively) impact your everyday life. From your professional life to your workout routine, your sex life and your social life. Studies show that at least half of older women may have some form of incontinence. BUT, don’t believe that it’s just an older demographic! In fact, a large majority of women who approach us at events or reach out to us are active women as young as their mid 20s who have slight incontinence after pregnancy.
That said, women young and wise ask the question, is incontinence reversible? Here, we will share rumors we have heard from hundreds of women who have either reversed or found ways to manage their incontinence successfully!
First, you must identify what type(s) of incontinence you are experiencing. Is it stress incontinence which can result from physical injuries, childbirth or similar? Perhaps it is urge incontinence, which happens often when the “urge” to release urine is prompted by the sound of running water or proximity to the restroom. Then again, it may be an overactive bladder or even medication that exacerbates the issue. Whatever the cause, there may be options to help you reduce or reverse your incontinence mishaps.
Get tested. There are many advanced medical options nowadays that afford you insight into incontinence. There are ultrasounds, pad tests and even bladder stress tests that can help identify causes, as well as, confirm diagnosis so you can begin appropriate treatments.
Cut the caffeine. A natural diuretic is going to encourage your body to generate and release more fluids. By cutting back on drinks with caffeine, you can help your body release fewer unnecessary fluids throughout the course of your day.
Don’t pass up the porcelain. When it comes to using the restroom, you’re better off going frequently than foregoing a trip. The more pressure you place on your bladder to hold it in, the more likely you are to upset your bladder and relevant muscles. Ultimately, this is counter-intuitive because you wind up weakening the muscles meant to manage urine and cause leakage to happen over time. Some women set an alarm to relieve themselves every 2 hours, even if it is nothing more than a drop or two per sitting.
Any Pelvic Floor Therapist will request you to try tightening the vaginal muscles (called Kegels) to help build and strengthen the vaginal walls responsible for stopping the flow of urine.
Have you heard of biofeedback machines? There is some speculation (but also supportive studies) that suggest biofeedback machines can give you real-time information about your pelvic and bladder muscles.
The above are more like quality of life choices and changes, but there are other options that can potentially offer even more support! For instance, medical devices like a pessary or mesh liners can help hold bladders in place, while medication can help limit liquid leaks. In fact, even Botox has been used to help relax the muscles associated with various incontinence issues so that the urge to go isn’t as great.
Lastly, when it comes to managing what you may or may not be able to reverse, our Apele performance panties are there to give you the extra support and protection you need in a discreet and reliable way. Our panties can absorb a pantyliner worth of an incontinence incident - all while not chafing the skin like cotton would with excessive wear.
So, ladies, listen. We get you. Heck, half of our staff is a statistic for surprise spills. That said, we are with you in this journey of reversing and managing incontinence, and we welcome your feedback or suggestions for our audience base as a whole!
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