Period Problems and Their Natural Remedies

From cramps and heavy flows to pendulum mood swings, periods can bring on a host of feelings and experiences.  While they differ in detail, many of the same symptoms can be found and treated with natural remedies that have proven helpful for others women.  It’s only natural that hormones and hemorrhaging will bring on unique emotional and physical changes so let’s dive in to some of these more common dilemmas and their natural deterrents.

Cramps. Yep, the tightening of the uterus and other pelvic muscles can certainly trigger pain and pressure in an otherwise dormant and sensitive location, making cramping here especially discomforting.  What can we do to help it?

Consider heating pads which can help with minor cramping as the heat warms the area and allows the muscles to relax rather than constrict.  Sometimes, the camping occurs because of the volume of bleeding taking place.  Heavier bleeders may feel more cramping yet, those with regular cycles have also expressed that their lighter days are connected more to cramping. While it varies for all women, it’s worth investing into a heating pad to see if it helps with the pain any time during the cycle. Medical treatments can also be sought so consider seeing your doctor to treat any underlying conditions. They may prescribe over-the-counter options like ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) to ease cramps although there are other natural remedies in capsule and supplement form that can also be suggested like thiamine, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium or omega-3. In rare cases, cramping can be so significant that it results in a recommendation from a provider to consider a hysterectomy.

Heavy bleeding.  If your period lasts more than seven days, produces large blood clots, soaks through a pad or tampon every hour or has you up at night to change protection, you very likely may be dealing with menorrhagia. This has been touted as actually the most common of complaints in the gynecological office of says Robin Miller, MD, a women’s health expert.


Not only can it cause physical ailments like fatigue, chest pains, fainting and a shortness of breath, but it also can cause embarrassing leaks that affect the overall confidence of women and young girls performing their everyday tasks. Natural remedies could potentially range from ice packs on your abdomen for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day when bleeding is especially heavy to vitamin C supplements which help your body absorb iron and possibly strengthen blood vessels. In addition to the physical, our Apele performance panties are specifically designed to absorb all mishaps, including leaks and overflows, while keeping you dry and your clothes clean.    

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other Mood Conditions.

We like to avoid calling or mood swings “disorders” as we embrace that having a period to begin with is a very orderly thing or body does. Honoring that, we still acknowledge that tensions can get high during high tide and for that reason, women may experience a bit of a pendulum swing between joy and sadness, irritability and extreme elation.  Its symptoms aren’t just emotional but come with  bloating, breast tenderness, muscle pain, food cravings and more – typically, a few days before menstruation but truly can show up at any time during.

Severe PMS, known as PMDD, causes more extreme moods, such as anxiety, depression or anger. About 3%-8% of women with PMS experience PMDD. With hormones surging, it’s no wonder that these swings can be taking place.

Medical treatments include the prescribing of NSAIDs which can ease PMS symptoms such as breast discomfort. However, there are also natural remedies including,  actual avoidance of certain things. Namely, sweet and salty foods, a common craving that, Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT says can prompt these symptoms. Opt instead for certain supplements like calcium, magnesium and vitamin E. Limit stress as best you can during these times and either consider regular massage or even daily movement of some sort that is not too strenuous.

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