Slight Incontinence and What to Do
Urinary accidents can happen anywhere, at any age. They aren't only for the smallest of humans learning to know and recognize the full bladder sensation or for the elderly who have lost all function and control of the pelvic muscles. Bladder leakage and incontinence can happen to anyone at any age in any expanse of race, gender, or geographical location. It plays no favorites and usually gives gradual warning signs of making an appearance. Slight leakage of the bladder or incontinence can be spotted with irritation and be addressed quickly before, like a small hole in a boat, you begin to drown in the ever rising flood of frustration.
First, evaluate the depth of the problem by understanding what level of leakage you are having and what circumstances surround isolated instances. Very light leakage can be defined by a damp patch on underwear, light being confined to underpants but possibly spreading slightly to outer clothing, moderate as definitely going beyond underwear to the confined areas of the outer clothing, and heavy as spreading beyond the outer clothing to bed, chair, or furniture in contact. Leakage can be problematic occurring as a frequent dribble-type loss, or a gushing flood-like episode. For very light or light incontinence problems, small shifts in behavior and planning can help strengthen the ability to fight these leaks. Moderate and heavy problems should definitely be addressed with a family physician to rule out cancers, and exploration of medications that can help with stopping or limiting bladder leaks.
If the leakage is small there are a few things to try. Monitor the amount of liquids you take in daily. Water is an important necessity but keep it at six to eight glasses daily and refrain from fluids after 4 p.m. if nighttime leakage is a problem. Caffeine and alcohol can be a great contributor to overactive urination, too. Practice pelvic floor exercises frequently (every 2 hours), and consider urinating before the urge becomes pressing. Losing weight can help remove excess pressure off the abdominal floor for problematic instances of leakage from coughing, sneezing, and laughing. Vaginal support options are a great idea for improvement as well. Light pads made by Poise, Depends, and other branded liners can be used in underwear or even more beneficial are underwear like our Apele panties that offer quick absorbency of small leaks, without the bulky and uncomfortable appearance.
Incontinence affects more than 12 million Americans. If you don’t struggle with it now, the chances are at some point in your life you will face it or know someone who will. After giving birth, dealing with prostate cancer, overweight, or gracefully aging, these all can affect the body’s ability to remain in control of its natural need to excrete toxins through urination. Don't let bladder leakage get the best of you by going from a small leak in your boat to a hole in the ship, drowning and dampening the limitless experiences in front of your life's adventures. Use practical tips like pelvic floor exercises, drinking less liquid, or incontinence products and specialty underwear.
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