Remember back in grade school when you so desperately wanted your boobs to blossom and your period to start so you were seemingly ahead of your peers on the maturity level? Once you started, you likely longed for the...
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It’s here! Puberty and peers! Adolescence and adolescents! Your daughter is likely growing more mature and staying over at friend’s houses to better define who she is and get a sense of her identity among her fellow female friends....
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Young and teenage girls may have a deeper need to have personal space given the many varying life experiences they are going through. They are maturing and begin yearning for independence. As parents, we love our children so...
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Puberty is the term for the hormonal, physical and cognitive changes that lead children to adulthood. It is caused by changes in the secretion of the master reproductive hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which triggers a cascade of hormonal modifications....
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