Many women can identify with the feelings that take place when Aunt Flow arrives into town. In addition to feelings is also the focus on hygiene and overall maintenance to a sensitive area. For instance absorbency, odor control,...
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Does your group of friends share everything? Whether its details from a date, what you’re eating for lunch or this weird pimple that just popped up overnight, nothing is safe from that group text! But are your gal pals so...
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Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a serious, possibly life-threatening, complication that often occurs as a result of infection, most commonly caused by staph or strep bacteria. Even though this type of infection is very rare, it is most commonly associated...
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Meditation is a popular term used now but dates back to ancient times. It is the practice of quieting one’s mind. Or at a minimum, observing the ceaseless chatter our minds produce, without being attached to the many emotions that...
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