You’ve been waiting for this day anxiously. You’ve followed a strict training regimen, mentally prepared yourself to a tee, and your confidence is through the roof. The morning is here, you’re feeling good and then... are you kidding me?! Out...
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Ugh, your period has officially begun. You’re having terrible cramps, your boobs are sore, you’re craving chocolate like a mad woman, and now...your skin is acting up too?! The reason for your skin acting funky is the same as for...
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Chances are very likely that you’re already answering this question in your head and reminiscing to the (possibly many) times you’ve had to wad up toilet paper as a makeshift pad. It happens. And often. Hormones take off...
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While it may be tempting to reach for that can of soda or that delicious plate of nachos to comfort your raging hormones during your period, it may be more damaging. Research shows the benefits of all our...
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I don’t know about you, but my cycle is consistently unique. While I can expect the same cycle every 28 days, it is infrequent in flow size than what the “average” period is deemed. Still, my OBGYN assures me...
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