Hey ladies! We are sure you have heard by now! At this point, you’ve likely not only heard of period panties and performance panties but you’ve also seen a few different brands on the scene. What some might...
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This may come as a surprise to those of you who experience a fairly consistent color every time your cycle returns, but there are actually many women who experience a variety of colors during their menstrual bleeding. Though, it...
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A missed period is one of the most telling signs of pregnancy, however, once confirmed, conceiving doesn’t mean you won’t still experience some bleeding. In fact, spotting is a common occurrence in as much as 20% of pregnant women during...
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GUEST BLOG by APELE CUSTOMER It’s been just over 2 weeks since I’ve given birth (c-section - but hey, delivery is delivery, am I right?) And while “pregnancy brain” is a real deal, so is “postpartum brain”. If it wasn’t...
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If you’re like a large majority of the population of women, you use birth control as a means of either avoiding pregnancy, regulating hormones or even helping manage other issues like irregular cycles or disorders. Birth control methods such...
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