The Benefits of Pubic Hair and Options for Maintaining It

What is a “private” topic to many and uniquely addressed by each woman in solitude, is making its way front and center in our blog today!  As we focus on the many hormonal phases of womanhood, we’d be remiss if we didn’t also mention pelvic health and care. Particularly that of pubic hair.


Pubic hair has seen somewhat of an evolution and even revolution over the centuries. It has its own unique genres of styling even. From shaven shapes to bejeweling.  What was once a hush-hush operation in the classified corners of your clothing is now widely acknowledged and honored as a monthly routine for maintenance. 


With pubic hair removal and grooming becoming so popular and readily accepted, it leads one to wonder if there is any benefit at all to keeping the “carpet”.  Well, we wanted to know for ourselves and ventured into the world of women wellness.


Aside from visual preferences, does pubic hair serve a purpose? We researched dozens of OBGYNs to get their take on the pros of sporting pubic hair.



According to nearly all, pubic hair serves, at its most basic level, as a pillow against friction that can cause skin abrasions or injuries.  In addition to helping guard against annoying or intrusive contact, it also acts as a wall of protection from pathogens, like bacteria and yeast. 



You read that right!  What may not exactly be a turn-on for some can still be one for you.  Did you know that your pubic hair takes on a temperature-regulating and pheromone-trapping strategy? This acts almost like “feelers” to identify close (okay, very close) encounters and to share your scent with others to provide a “match” of sorts for mating.



Much like nose hairs prevent germs from spreading to our nasal cavities, your pubic hair can be considered a physical deterrent to foreign debris like dirt, grime and other microorganisms you don’t want making direct contact with your skin.



What’s often quoted for being a ‘carpet’, could be better described as a ‘coat’ of sorts.  Naturally, hair keeps our skin war and less exposed to external elements like water and wind.


Avoid In-growns.

Naturally, a benefit to letting nature run its course is the lesser likelihood that you’ll interrupt natural processes. Waxing, tweezing and laser can remove hair at the follicle temporarily, meaning that when the hair grows back, it has to navigate its way again through the levels of dermis. Hopefully, without breaking a new area of skin, or worse, growing and coiling under the skin causing irritation and inflammation – sometimes that must be surgically removed!


So, now what?  Let’s say you’ve found a new motivation behind your mane, downstairs. How do you keep it clean? Consider the common phase “just a trim” and remove only what’s necessary to keep your bush neatly landscaped. Wash as well as you would your own head of hair, especially as discharge, blood and urine can find their way there and induce odor, staining of your underwear and leaving an unkempt appearance.


Ultimately, it is a personal choice.  Choose what’s best for you and your bodily needs. Over time, a look will “grow” on you – or not!

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