The Pitfalls of Social Media While on Your Period

In the ever-evolving world of social media, emojis have enabled us to share our feelings in a less-offensive and oftentimes more comical way. As we ride the crimson wave, we may find ourselves scrolling through our many pages and groups comparing ourselves to others or expressing our opinions even more than usual during our time of the month. Not every woman suffers from emotional battles during their cycles, but for those that do, here are some thoughts around why we should consider putting the phone down, so no one gets hurt.

Women Experience Emotional Strains on Periods

Many women are affected by and behave differently during their menstruation cycle. During this time, there are various psychological, medical and emotional reactions that are naturally occurring. The most common are mood swings, lack of focus, laziness, emotional disconnect, depression, irritability or anxiety. It may even be a mix of two or more of the above-mentioned experiences. There is no shame in these emotions, as simply acknowledging tem makes it easier to manage them.

The Social Media Giant

With a smart phone in your palm, you are more likely to disrupt your behavioral pattern further. There are many things to consider when using social media any given day – let alone, when you are feeling a little more sensitive than usual. Social media, while being a form of entertainment, can also induce feelings of insecurity, comparison and coveting.

Social Media can oftentimes disconnect versus connect

Many users have shared that, although social media allows for nonchalant expression of opinion and can be used to bring people of like minds together, it can also contribute to a lack of deep dialogue that happens in-person, which can often create feelings of disconnect versus cohesion. Because of the opinion-heavy opportunities on Facebook and other similar outlets, users may find that they are even more sensitive to expressing themselves when in a heightened state of emotion. Getting involved in heated discussions while on your cycle may be just the passion you’ve been hoping for. All the same, being mindful of what you share and when can benefit you, if you identify as someone who perhaps is less rational and more critical of self or others during your cycle.

Comparison Chaos

An emotionally-balanced woman may not indulge herself too deep into the social media world, knowing that her value is as unique as she is. During your menstrual cycle, you may find that you are comparing yourself to others when you aren’t feeling or looking your ideal best. Remember, many women have their own inner feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, and that oftentimes, the lives portrayed on social media are not a direct reflection of everyday happenings. Even so, all life has its trials and no woman escapes the occasional let down or hang-ups. Realizing that there is much to celebrate instead can assist you in feeling good for your fellow “friends” on social media, while also embracing and showcasing the very things that make you joyful in the midst of your monthly visitor. Perhaps consider posting the many reasons you love being a woman even more so during the times that womanhood is most prevalent in your psyche.

Get active.

Put down the phone and pick up some weights. It will likely bring you mental relaxation and stability, boosting your inner and outer strength. You may find yourself more energetic, comfortable, stress-free and likely to gain a more optimistic perspective during your menstruation.

Go for Outings Often

Go outdoors. Go for a walk or a run. You can go hiking, trekking or whatever you feel like to remove yourself from your electronics’ blue lights that affects your circadian rhythm, which is connected to your sleep cycles. In fact, being outdoors will assist in your body absorbing natural light that prompts internal organs to function optimally.

There are many benefits to social media, however, there can be pitfalls as well. Though expression is natural and encouraged, consider whether or not social media is contributing more to your stress or your serenity during your monthly cycle.




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