Vaginal Rejuvenation:  What you Need to Know

It may seem silly to some that rejuvenation of the vagina is a thing. But it is! And not just for appearances! In fact, because reproductive hormone levels can have such a profound effect on your vaginal and urinary health, some women are opting for vaginal procedures to help with declining estrogen levels, untimely periods and urethra health.

With specialists all over the country, women can now seek professional expertise to help with everything from vaginal dryness to urinary incontinence concerns.  Vaginal rejuvenation procedures can help restore normal vaginal elasticity, moisture, and function in just a few sessions.

So, here are a few common questions around the process.

How does vaginal rejuvenation work?

Women can experience everything from pelvic organ prolapse to stress incontinence. One of the most recent and publicized procedures was documented by a reality celeb from Teen Mom.  Her medical professional stated, “It works by delivering radio frequency to the underlying fibers, provoking the skin to produce new collagen. As a result, women experience a dramatic increase in tightness and sexual satisfaction. This treatment also helps eliminate stress incontinence, a common issue for women who have given birth”.


Why consider vaginal rejuvenation?

While the verdict is still out on whether or not the procedure directly helps with common complaints, there are plenty of experiential testimonials from clients all over who have found relief from the following conditions:

Chronic urinary tract infections

Frequent vaginal infections

Painful intercourse or sexual dysfunction

Stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence

The claims made are that the process helps gently injure the vaginal walls, which triggers your body’s natural healing response. This prompts the body to restore the normal elements of healthy vaginal tissue, including collagen, glycogen, and hyaluronic acid. Which also balances pH and brings in healthy lubrication again


Does vaginal rejuvenation hurt?

The treatment itself generally only takes a few minutes and is done as an out-patient.  Simply visiting a qualified doctor can result in a quick, painless, in-office procedure. A laser is gently placed into the vagina while emitting soft pulses of energy into the vaginal wall.

Typically, results can be seen within the first session, but most recommend three sessions to complete the treatment. Treatments are spaced out, typically between 6-8 weeks which allows the body to heal between appointments.   


How well does it work?

The verdict is still out according to many medical OBGYN professionals, however, from sources themselves providing the procedure, they report patients are happier than ever, with 9 out of 10 women experiencing fully-restored vaginal function after just three of the prescribed treatment sessions.


Think you’d go for it or know someone who already has?  As a company that is all about vaginal and pelvic health, we’d love to hear your feedback about this potential option for those managing incontinence and other pelvic-health mishaps.


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