Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy
It does happen. And it isn’t always cause for alarm. Sometimes, just monitoring and management. Nonetheless, vaginal spotting during pregnancy is certainly something you want to be mindful of. Here we share some top reasons for concern surrounding vaginal spotting or bleeding during pregnancy and how Apele can help with this phenomena.
Bleeding during pregnancy is common.
That’s right. Bold statement, indeed, but the truth of the matter is that bleeding is actually reported in about 20% of women during their first 12 weeks with Baby in the womb. The first trimester alone can offer up various circumstances to cause this.

An Ectopic Pregnancy could cause vaginal spotting.
An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized embryo implants outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. If the embryo continues to grow, it can cause the fallopian tube to burst, which can be life-threatening to the mother. While ectopic pregnancy is potentially dangerous, it only occurs in about 2% of pregnancies. You’ll want to report sign of blood or streaks of spotty blood to your OBGYN, especially when it also involves strong cramping and light headedness.
Implantation Bleeding can also cause vaginal spotting.
Sometimes, mistaken for a light period, implantation bleeding can prompt normal spotting within the first six to 12 days after you conceive. This is because the fertilized egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus. Oftentimes, women don't realize they are pregnant because this could be similar to that of a lighter menstrual cycle. Usually, the bleeding is very light and lasts from a few hours to a few days. But, again, if you notice you have vaginal bleeding or spotting that is irregular, it is possible you are actually not having a regular menses and instead exhibiting signs of pregnancy in its early stages.
Miscarriages often cause vaginal cramping and bleeding.
Miscarriage is most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and naturally, happens to be one of the biggest concerns with vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. However, it is important to note that first trimester bleeding does not necessarily mean that you’ve lost the baby or are at risk for an impending miscarry. In fact, this is why viability tests via heartbeat ultrasounds are done during this time. For over 90% of women who experience first trimester vagibal bleeding, if a heartbeat is recorded at that time, they do not miscarry. Again, any bleeding is still certainly worth reporting to your provider. This, coupled with strong abdominal cramping and seeing any tissue passing is important to report so that samples can be looked at and your professional provider can determine what is taking place.
How do I manage light bleeding during pregnancy?
Great question! If you find yourself using the restroom often during pregnancy (who doesn’t, right?) you may notice just a tinge of red each time you wipe, which can also be easily mixed in with an orange tint of color in urine due to all those lovely vitamins you’re taking also. We recommend checking out our Apele pregnancy panties collection.
Each of our panties absorb up to 1 small tampon’s worth of fluid (bleeding + all the other good stuff) over the same amount of time you would wear a tampon. You can feel confident knowing you have coverage anytime you are wearing our undies while also being able to observe how much you are losing at any given time between checks or restroom breaks.
Naturally, while there are less risky reasons your body may be experiencing vaginal bedding while pregnant, we are certain that managing and monitoring it is an important step towards your comfort and confidence. Have questions? Please do reach out!
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