All humans have a pelvis, located in between the abdomen and the legs. But the female pelvis differs from the male pelvis as it is both wider and flatter. The tight bone structure of the pelvis is largely responsible for bearing the weight of a growing fetus in the womb.

The pelvis houses various organs and bones, making it an important part of the body to maintain in good health. The major organs housed in the pelvis include the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, cervix, bladder, urethra, and rectum, encompassing the entire female reproductive system.

As such, there exists various pelvic conditions that affect this system. Many women suffer from endometriosis caused by extra tissue growth outside of the uterus. The first symptom typically experienced is intense and even debilitating pain in the pelvic region.

Understanding the scope of the pelvic region is key when identifying any unusual or unexplainable symptoms as various conditions affect the entire pelvis or only certain parts.

Strengthening your pelvic region through exercise helps to maintain support and keep everything firmly in place. Yoga and Pilates are two popular types of exercise to help you do so but even just doing pelvic floor exercises at home makes all the difference. Seeing your gynecologist for routine check-ups is an absolute must to ensure everything continues to function properly as well as to pinpoint and treat any issues you may be experiencing.

Following your doctor’s advice, practicing safe sex through reliable and accurate contraceptive is yet another effective way to maintain your pelvic health. Sexually transmitted infections increase the risk factor for various pelvic conditions, so monitoring your sexual activity effectively and reporting anything unusual affecting your pelvis after sex are especially important.

Your pelvis protects many of your important organs, supports you during daily physical activity, and accommodates your growing baby so it’s necessary to take any and all action possible to keep it healthy and strong.

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