PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome are some of the physical and emotional symptoms that arise one or two weeks before your periods. Headache, backache, and tiredness, skin problems and pains and above all anxiety or depression are some of the major signs and signals.

Causes of PMS

Certain hormonal variations, chemical changes in the body, ups and downs in moods and stress are a few leading causes of PMS. Of course, these reasons pose different threats to you. Diets having low nutritional value, or an abundance of salt, caffeine or alcohol can trigger such variations. Those overweight, with higher BMI, increases the risk, and even more so if you are not exercising.

Much like nutritional concerns, emotional imbalances may also stimulate PMS. Irritability, anger, insomnia and withdrawal of all kinds further enhance the chances of getting PMS.

Managing PMS

Managing PMS is possible. There are multiple treatment options available. Various medicinal cures are administered by doctors and psychiatrists. Still, changing your life style will bring an easy, most effective and enduring change in you – plus, it’s within your control each fleeting second of the day. Here are some of your many options:

Nutrition and Diet

Good meal plans can ease your PMS symptoms. Follow a simple and balanced eating plan:

  • Eat healthy and balanced meals.
  • Consider trying the six-small-meals-a-day pattern.
  • Consume less salt, sugar and fats.
  • Drink less caffeine and alcohol.
  • Go green. Eat vegetables green in color.
  • Consume more yogurt and milk for calcium. Find alternatives to dairy that provide calcium, to honor your dietary preferences.
  • Eat carbohydrate-rich food.
  • Consumer more fruits, nuts and seeds.

Remain Physically Active

An inactive lifestyle leads you to physical and emotional illnesses. Strive to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle by:

  • Enjoying hobbies that encourage movement.
  • Trying a new local class or event that mixes moderate-to-tough exercises regularly.
  • Run, walk, run. Honor you body. Give it some speed, then slow as you listen to your body’s needs.
  • Try aerobics and other stretching and strengthening exercises that are low impact.
  • Consider swimming which uses your entire body and is easy on the joints.

Psychological Considerations

The emotional part of your PMS can be addressed through managing your emotions. Try to relax and adjust yourself according to the new environment. Early adaptation is the key to the success.

  • Get enough sleep for your body.
  • Find out ways to relax and reduce your stress level. Perhaps a new hobby or even videos that enhances calming of the mind.
  • Massage is known for its ability to return your body to homeostasis (its natural restorative state)
  • Talk and share with your friends and the people closer to you. Shy away from social media and instead, honor deep dialogue with those closest to you who can lend an ear, without opinions.
  • Seek professional counsel.


If your PMS is getting out of control and simple lifestyle changes do not positively affect your experiences, there are medications which can be prescribed by your professional, after a full assessment of what would be best for you.

  • The doctor initially may treat through supplements like Calcium, Magnesium, FolicAcid and multivitamins.
  • A physician may also treat you symptomatically with specific doses of drugs.
  • Over-the-counter medicines may also cure some of your physical ailments like aches, pains, swellings and tenderness but these may not be ideal if your symptoms are prolonged or worsened.


PMS, if not treated timely and correctly can lead to PMDD, (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) a severe form of PMS. It can result in panic attacks, excessive mood swings, sadness, despair and suicidal ideations, not to mention, complicated and adverse physical symptoms.

Managing your PMS is important and we encourage you to really honor your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. You deserve to enjoy life and all it has to offer – even in the midst of menstruating.

Have some additional insights that have helped you or a fellow woman suffering from such? We are honored to hear from other women who have found a healthy balance during their cycle. Feel free to share your own experiences or send this along to a dear friend who may benefit from the above suggestions.

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