How can we empower other women?

Want to know what the buzz words “women empowerment” are really all about? It is a theme you hear often and maybe even a hashtag you’ve followed to see inspiring and encouraging posts from fellow women devoted to empowering our unique qualities.  In fact, rumor has it there are about 12 million apps in the world as of now with content aimed at women empowerment. With so many choices – many of which are free – we certainly want to know we have the best of the best for our own unique lifestyle.  Women are already strong.  To empower is simply to remind them of that strength and support them in the journey!

Here, we’ve combined a list of the top apps that we feel show what true women empowerment is all about – as well as, basic background info behind how they serve to educate and empower women all across the globe.

First off, we can empower one another by looking out for another girlfriend or even female stranger. Have her back when she’s in a strange or awkward setting. Girl code 101, folks. Help her out!

Companion.  Let’s talk safety! With campaigns like #MeToo and #RunningWhileFemale hitting the interwebs, it’s nice to know that app developers are creating software that can hopefully help decrease the risk of danger! When it comes to apps designed for safety, it doesn't get much more innovative than Companion. Designed by students at the University of Michigan, the Companion app prompts you to enter your destination, then choose which contacts you wish to be notified of your intended route home.  If for some reason, you start running, your phone falls down, or you don't make it to your destination on time, you'll receive a message asking you to confirm that all is well.  When you don't respond (within that 15-second window), the app alerts your companions. It also has features that promote you calling law enforcement directly. We want to empower women to stay on track with their personal desires and goals while also knowing that even the tech they have can empower them in their already-powerful talents and skills also.

Can you spare a square? Ever heard another woman in the stall next to you asking for a complimentary sanitary item?  Always keep extra in your purse so you can bless another woman battling the bloat and bleeding on a week you’re riding period-free!

SitOrSquat. Available to both iOs and Android users, this app was created by Charmin, the well-known toilet paper brand. SitOrSquat helps you find suitable restrooms in unfamiliar areas. We love this app because our very nature at Apele is to promote hygienic and easy resources for the things that women face (incontinence, menstruation, leaking, diaper changing and more).   This offers an additional solution by providing access to nearby bathrooms based on user-generated rating system – which means you are getting a consumers’ view of what that restroom is really like.  We STAND for this app! We want women to feel empowered and supported no matter how off the grid they are.

Encourage women to ask for promotions! Women are hard enough on themselves as it is.  Go out of your way to find a trait about a girlfriend you admire and tell her!  None of that superficial stuff either like her dress being pretty or her skin looking good in certain lighting. Find something deep and true to her character (which isn’t circumstantial and she is sure to blossom right before your very eyes!

Mint. When you want your bank account to look like your Instagram grid, you’ve got to know where your money is going.  Being financially responsible is definitely empowering!  The Mint app allows you to organize your finances by pulling your investments, credit card bills, bank accounts, and expenses into one interface. Mint accurately displays the digits, showing you best practices to avoid debt, avoid late payments, or letting your credit score slip.

Flipboard – The Flipboard app is the perfect app for intelligent women on the go looking to research and read up on the latest trending news and guidance around areas of interest.  It’s magazine-style look makes it super easy to navigate through, getting straight to the good stuff.  This empowers women to embrace their intellect and step out boldly into resources as they further their knowledge and passions.

Evernote. Every woman or girl-on-the-go-needs to stay organized and on top of her to-do’s. Evernote is a mobile app designed for note taking, organizing, tasks lists, and archiving. The app allows its users to create notes, which can be text, a Web page, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments. Talk about everything in one place!  We feel this empowers us to put our best thoughts at the forefront of our mind so we can focus on changing the world, one bright idea at a time!


These five apps are truly revolutionizing the way women get stuff done!  All while honoring that we are dealing with more than meets the eye! Have you tried any of these apps?  What are some other apps you recommend to educate and empower women?

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