What to Expect when You’re Expecting your First Period Post-Partum


Well, you’ve just had a baby and while your body has changed in a billion ways, perhaps one of the benefits (or at least a small payoff) was not having to endure your menstrual cycle monthly for nearly 10 months or so.

But, alas, it will return, as your body returns to its optimal health. It will take time.  So, here, we’ve identified some things to look out for and expect when returning from pregnancy to post-partum normalcy.

Just like your pregnancy was unique in its own ways, your cycle – and when it returns – will be also. In fact, if you choose to nurse, you may still not bleed a regular cycle.

When can I expect my period?

Your period will typically return about six to eight weeks after you give birth, if you aren’t breastfeeding. If you do breastfeed, the timing for a period to return can vary. Many women who breastfeeding without any supplementing of formula might not have a period the entire time they breastfeed. Still, some women report their periods returning even while breastfeeding.

If your period does return quickly after giving birth and you had a vaginal delivery, your provider may very likely recommend avoiding tampons and instead opting for absorption by period panties and pads.  Our Apele heavy day panties are idea for these moments – plus, they look much better than the mesh liners provided by the hospital.





Will my period be different than it was?

When you do start your period again, the first period after delivery will likely not resemble your periods before you got pregnant. Your body is once again adjusting to menstruation. Because of this, you may experience any or all of the following:

  • small blood clots
  • heavier flow
  • untimely flow that seems to stop and start at varying and unpredictable times

What else might happen?

Whether your delivery was vaginal or c-section, you can expect the shedding of more blood and tissue that lined your uterus while you were pregnant. The discharge – known as lochia – will appear also in either a creamy-white or even clear color.  This too can be present for about six weeks. Lochia also tends to have a distinct odor. Lochia may have a “sweet” smell to it, since it’s mixed with leftover tissue from the pregnancy. Our Apele panties are specifically-designed to absorb moisture without masking odors (as that would require chemically-dipped fabrics and we want cleanliness next to sensitive parts!)  So, our panties are perfect for catching, and monitoring, the release and any foreign odors that would need to be reported to your provider.

During your first postpartum year, it can be normal for your periods to fluctuate in length, time between cycles, and intensity of bleeding. Hence, having undies that are always ready to catch those surprise mishaps is ideal!


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