Why and How to Go Green on Your Period


Is it that time again, already?  Your period is back.  Whether it is on-time, early, late to the game or a surprise visit, it beckons your buying of feminine products.


So, if you do not already have access to some products in-home, you are likely dealing with one of two issues.  A product or products that aren’t sustainably used over and over again, as well as, purchasing products that are namely plastic – which can be bad for your body and the planet.


That said, we wanted to provide some of the top reasons and remedies to going GREEN with sustainable options when you are dealing with RED. In the long haul, this should save you dough and discretion. Not to mention, that PINK TAX that has us all seeing RED, no matter where we are at in our stages of womanhood.




Health above all.  The makeup of feminine hygiene products has compelled health experts and sustainability advocates to raise a red flag recently.  In fact, one major discovery is that the cord attached to tampons is almost always connected via glue, versus woven in.  This glue is made up of nonbiodegradable,  synthetic materials and contain pesticides and herbicides including diuron, which organizations have labeled a carcinogen.


The Planet and its People.  While our menstrual cycles are natural, the ingredients in menstrual products typically are not. It’s estimated that over 100 billion menstrual hygiene products are disposed of annually.  And just how much of those products are disposed of each year? Worldwide, it’s estimated to be over 100 billion menstrual hygiene products! Talk about a massive collection of harmful ingredients that are also covered in hazardous human waste and therefore, unrecyclable.


In fact, just 1 tampon or pad could take anywhere from 500-800 years to fully decompose.




Menstrual Cups. Instead of using disposable pads and tampons that are discarded after just one use, consider using a reusable menstrual cup for collection instead.

A menstrual cup is a feminine hygiene product that is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Menstrual cups are usually made of flexible medical grade silicone and shaped like a bell with a stem.


Go Organic.  When placing anything near your sensitive tissue, especially inside, it is imperative to choose products with ingredients that are not harmful to you, and therefore not harmful when disposed of either. Choose organic pads and tampons.


Get loud with the lobbyists.  The Menstrual Products Right to Know Act “requires menstrual products, such as menstrual cups, menstrual pads, tampons, and therapeutic vaginal douche apparatuses, to include a list of ingredients on the label.” Demand that manufacturers share the ingredients transparently so that others can make educated decisions when buying their products.

Period Panties.  You’re likely already wearing underwear every day (or at least during your cycle) so why not make it a no-brainer and opt for panties that also absorb mishaps and untimely leaks.  Our Apele performance panties do just that!  With light and heavy coverage days you’re covered and just a wash, rinse hang dry away from reusable undergarments within 20 minutes of hang time! What’s more, these can also replace pantyliners so you are saving a ton of money and mounds of landfill litter. Whether it’s your cycle or just everyday discharge, our panties got you – and the environment – covered.

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