Why are women so tired between ages 30-50?


As women get older, they may find that they’re more tired than usual. Supplements, regular exercise, a healthy diet-- nothing seems to be working. So many women start to accept their constant fatigue as a normal part of the aging process, but there are so many possible reasons behind this issue. Let’s explore what may be causing fatigue in women between the ages of 30-50 and what they can do to get their energy back. 

Low Iron 

Though the hormones in a woman’s body are constantly cycling throughout different times of the month, hormone levels drastically change as a woman gets older. Women ages 40 and above begin to undergo menopause gradually and experience symptoms caused by a lack of estrogen in the body. Women who are not yet in the stages of menopause and still menstruate experience monthly blood loss that can become heavy and irregular as they age. Plus, women may not be getting a sufficient amount of iron from their diets. All of these factors combined contribute to a deficient iron level within the body which in turn increases fatigue. To help combat exhaustion, women need to increase their consumption of iron-rich foods like fish and green vegetables. If symptoms persist, it’s best to see a physician. 

Thyroid Issues 

Older women tend to experience thyroid issues at a much higher rate than men. Our thyroids are responsible for maintaining metabolism and energy levels. Any dysfunction in the thyroid can cause various issues that disrupt everyday life. An under-active thyroid (known as hypothyroidism) can make a woman feel weak, lazy, and burnt out. It’s a good idea for older women having these issues to have a blood test done at the hospital to either identify or rule out the presence of thyroid issues. 

Insufficient Sleep 

Life can get hectic! Women in the 30-50 age range juggle the demands of their careers, families, and management of the home. The to-do list grows even longer when pets, fitness, and socialization are taken into account. After getting through a busy day and waking up to do it all over again, many women may forego deep and high-quality sleep. This causes restlessness, irritation, and exhaustion--or as we like to call it ‘walking zombie syndrome’. Getting enough 

Sleep is important as we age. Scheduling the day in blocks of time to allow for the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep per night is crucial. Comfort is also essential and helps to prevent sleep interruption. Cozy blankets, fluffy pillows, a supportive mattress, and a quiet environment can all help with easing into a deep sleep. 

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