6 Natural Remedies for Incontinence
It happened again. Either a sneeze or perhaps picking something heavy up resulted in a brief release of urine. Your panties are now wet and you feel uncomfortable. Have no fear. Not only do we at Apele have everyday undies that can help discreetly absorb these happenings while keeping you confident, but we also can offer some guidance around some natural remedies rumored to help with the pelvic muscles and maintenance as well!
Kegels. The same muscles that you use to hold your urine in can also be tightened or practiced when you do not feel the urge to urinate. In fact, it is best to urinate once your body tells you to. When not needing to however, consider practicing the holding method which prompts those muscles to act, strengthening the pelvic floor.
Lose Weight. By getting fit and maintaining a proper body mass index, you are helping your body keep off additional pressure in the pelvic region, which can help alleviate symptoms of overactive bladder or pressure.
Add Magnesium. Magnesium could relieve incontinence because it reduces bladder muscle spasms and allows the bladder to empty completely. If you do not want to take supplements, consider getting it from whole foods instead, like potatoes, bananas or corn.
Vitamin D. Be sure to meet your daily requirement of 600 IU of vitamin D. You can do this with supplementation or with foods like fish, eggs and similar.
Smoking Cessation. Because nicotine has been proven to irritate the bladder, it is less common for non-smokers to have pelvic and urinary issues than it is for smokers. Quit smoking and talk with your healthcare provider at once for options best for you.
Cut the Caffeine. Caffeine, a diuretic, can contribute to bladder irritation and stimulate muscle contractions, which can both cause incontinence. That said, cut back on the caffeine for a few days or weeks and see how it directly affects your trips (or missed trips) to the restroom. Consider seapping out favorite drinks with decaf options and always ensure you are staying hydrated with water. It may seem counter-intuitive but your body always works more optimally when it is hydrated.
While these are just a few of the remedies suggested, your doctor may be able to recommend more or even better options for your specific lifestyle and preferences! Contact them today and see what you can do to live confidently with incontinence.
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