It happened again. Either a sneeze or perhaps picking something heavy up resulted in a brief release of urine. Your panties are now wet and you feel uncomfortable. Have no fear. Not only do we at Apele have everyday...
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No matter their age, men and women all over the world have dealt with incontinence issues for a variety of reasons and causes. From medications to surgeries to even unexplained phenomena that manifest as a new and untimely bodily response,...
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Urinary incontinence, or loss of bladder control, is a frustrating problem for more than 13 million Americans, most of them women. Incontinence is an issue that many women deal with but few and that can stem from multiple different...
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Leaks. Yes. We are going there. Down there. To discuss openly and unapologetically about the rather common yet rarely discussed issues of leakage women experience in everyday life – be it urinary incontinence, vaginal spotting and period leaks, or...
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