The Many Mishaps and Leaks Women Experience - and how Apele can help


Leaks.  Yes. We are going there. Down there. To discuss openly and unapologetically about the rather common yet rarely discussed issues of leakage women experience in everyday life – be it urinary incontinence, vaginal spotting and period leaks, or even backside bloopers.

These medical issues are far more common than another may think, and as proven at the Boston Marathon 2018 expo we just venued at, there are tons of women looking for products to help support them with such while sharing incredibly genuine and jovial dialogue!

In fact, according to Science Daily regarding pelvic health, 1-in-3 women experience bladder problems.  Leaking when you laugh or exercise, or regularly not being able to make it to the bathroom before urine starts to trickle out were just a few of the candid convos we shared in!

We also discussed the reality of heavy bleeders who either need extra protection beyond their tampon or menstrual cups, as well as, those who spot sporadically during their cycles.  As reported in a recent Hormones Matter article, about 30 percent of women will experience heavy menstrual bleeding at some point.

Even those with no concerns of leaks outside of running shared their excitement for Apele performance panties due to the occasional runner’s dribbles and trots that take place when running long distances. Even Runner’s World shares stats of nearly 30 percent of female runners having experienced incontinence while running.

Nearly every woman we spoke to shared their own personal plights or immediately knew another woman who could benefit from the confidence that comes with up to 1 tampon’s worth of absorption for ANY MISHAPS.

So let’s briefly discuss the different types of MISHAPs that can occur from the female body and the many ways Apele seeks to comfort you and give you confidence as you manage such mishaps.

Urinary Incontinence was an issue we heard often at the BAA. Over time, the female body changes as incident can occur either naturally or even medically that can affect the body’s ability to hold urine efficiently.

Oftentimes, this happens when the muscles that support the urethra and part of the bladder are weakened for some reason. Without enough support, the bladder and all the muscles in the urinary tract are unable to contract like they typically would to start and stop the flow of urine, which results in leakage.

Urinary Incontinence

- Chronic coughing or sneezing – even laughing can prompt leaks as the urethra is under pressure.

- Heavy-lifting and high-impact exercise, including long runs can place stress on the urethra and cause leaks.

-Hormonal deficiencies surrounding estrogen may be a concern, since it helps keep the muscles around the bladder and urethra strong.

- Post-menopause because lower estrogen levels result in the vaginal tissues weakening and thinning.

- Aging overall due to vaginal and bladder muscles becoming weaker.

- Post-Hysterectomy: Naturally, as with any surgery, the surrounding muscles may also experience damage or strain.  

- Pregnancy and childbirth: One of the most common stories we heard was about post-baby bladder concerns. Our bodies just aren’t the same after delivering a human! Even those who received c-sections mentioned the complications that affected their bladder. During pregnancy, hormones and extra weight on the uterus can be the common cause.

Naturally, pushing during a vaginal delivery can further weaken the muscles and tissues that support the bladder and urethra, and of course, pelvic floor exercises can only do so much!  


Menses Mishaps

- Spotting - Some women deal with spotty, irregular periods for a number of reasons. Be it medication, genetics, stressful lifestyles and more. For this reason, Apele performance panties help capture the first signs of period – up to one tampons worth! Giving you plenty of time to either replace with a product or grab another pair or period panties!

- Puberty.  There are so many women we’ve had the privilege of speaking to and supporting, so it was only natural that they’d immediately ask, “What about my daughter? She’s about to start her period!”As young women wait for their first periods or have started but are still dealing with irregularity in timing, our panties keep them discreet and dry as they transition into womanhood.

- Heavy Hemorraghing.  Some women deal with heavy cycles. We heard stories of days 1 and 4 being significantly saturated for one, while another woman shared her heavy cycles last for three days non-stop and there is always a need for extra protection.  That is exactly why Apele created the liner that we did. To be a chafe-free and moisture-wicking liner that adds extra protection, replacing the pantyliners you regularly buy (saving nearly $4000 in an average lifetime alone!)

Backslide Blunders - While this may not be as frequent of a topic as you may think, we haven’t shied away from helping women in this regard either. Some women have expressed the incidents that can happen on long runs or various athletic pushes like runner’s trots, where a bit of the runs can be leaked.  In fact, in a recent interview with Dr. Schnoll-Sussman, Women’s Running quoted her sharing “Many people don't report the problem, due to embarrassment, however studies have shown that as many as 20 to 50 percent of runners in a 10K race experience symptoms associated with runner's trots.”

- Hemorrhoids. In addition to trots, we have heard stories from women who suffer from hemorrhoid flare-ups and that the Apele panties help them with the occasional spotting of blood they experience during inflammation.

While you may cringe at some of these, Apele has nothing but compassion and confidence for you!  We created our everyday undies to help you perform to your best, with an assurance that you are leak-free, wearing seamless and moisture-wicking performance fabric that keeps you dry and confident!

Have these concerns or know someone who does? We will not shy away from any details you wish to share to match you with a pattern you love, a cut that’s ideal and absorbency that is fit for your needs!  Email us at

Check out our testimonials on IG: @Apele4u.  You will love how our undies perform and how they can change the way you live and feel!


We got tons of awesome feedback from youth and moms alike at the recent (and very inspiring) Boston Marathon! Feel free to check out the testimonials and product reviews at our YouTube. Also, if you’re looking to buy Mom (or yourself and daugher) a special gift this Mother’s Day, use code MOM50 at checkout to receive 50% off a second pair of panties! PLUS, two FREE matching necklaces for you and Mom or daughter!  (for the first 50 orders)



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