A Solid Sleep Cycle During your Monthly Cycle

Adequate sleep is an important part of healthy lifestyle. Getting enough sleep at the right time can help us maintain our mental health, physical health, quality of life and much more. The human body is like a factory that is working twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It needs rest to recharge and rejuvenate itself. How we feel when we are awake depends on the quality of sleep we get. Sleep deficiency can result in dire consequences. A sleepy person is an unfit person in everyday life- let alone when a woman has the demands of menstruation on top of all other daily stressors.

Importance of getting enough sleep

When we doze off, our body goes into repair mode. It recovers from the hectic routine demanded of it all day long, allowing damaged cells to be healed, immune system to reboot and cardiovascular system to be recharged for the next day.

Sleep and Periods

Sleep is even more important for women who are on their period as they have reported sleeping poorly in days leading up to this time. Falling and staying asleep is a challenge in itself but adding your period to the mix can result in even more difficulty getting to sleep and staying comfortably in that deep, restorative slumber. In the second half of a woman’s cycle, ovulation can affect the core body temperature, causing difficulty in sleeping. Hormone progesterone also rises, increasing a woman’s need to sleep. If you fail to respond to this need, you may end up getting sleep deprived at the end of your cycle. Sleep deprivation will decrease your day-to-day performance and can leave you feeling lethargic all day long. Women should take small afternoon naps in the days leading up to their period, if and whenever possible, which will decrease their feeling of tiredness. Also avoiding caffeine will naturally help in sleeping sooner and longer.

Poor sleep may also contribute to weight gain

Poor sleep has been strongly linked to weight gain. One study has shown that children and adults who sleep less were 89% and 55% more likely to become obese. Sleep deprivation disrupts our hunger hormones and throws them in disarray. Hormones which simulate appetite are increased in the system, potentially making you desire to eat more calories. If you are trying to avoid excess weight gain during your cycle, or even in general, getting enough sleep is crucial.

Better sleep, better brain performance

While we are asleep, our brain is actively doing its task of repairing neural cells and forming new pathways. Better sleep allows our brain to perform its tasks effectively and results in better cognition, performance, concentration and productivity. A study of college women who were not getting adequate sleep, showed decline in their performances in class tests and exams. Good sleep on the other hand has been shown to improve problem solving skills and enhance memory of both children and adults. Therefore, as women are expected to maintain all their daily dealings, in the midst of their cycle, it helps immensely to know that your brain is operating optimally.

Inflammatory diseases and sleep

Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and premature aging. Research has shown that people who get fewer hours of nap time have higher levels of inflammatory proteins in their blood stream than those who get more. Poor sleep has also been linked to inflammation of digestive tract in disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease. Considering these organs are the next-door neighbors to your pelvic area, it is best to honor all areas so that they may work optimally alongside your already-tasked lower region.

Along with nutrition and exercise, sleep is one of the basic pillars of good health – especially during a woman’s monthly cycle and all that the body demands of such. One cannot achieve, nor maintain, optimal health if she is neglecting to take care of her sleep cycle. So, have a good night’s sleep of at least 7-8 hours to stay alert, active and healthy, as well as, to assist your body in one of the most impressive and arduous responsibilities you are assigned, on average, every month.

Have you found additional apps, tools or practices that assist you in getting adequate sleep during your cycle? We would love to add them here! Share some of your best!

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