Looking to get pregnant? Perhaps trying to avoid pregnancy? Ovulation is one of the biggest factors. See how Apele panties can help with monitoring and managing everything down below.
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While it may be tempting to reach for that can of soda or that delicious plate of nachos to comfort your raging hormones during your period, it may be more damaging. Research shows the benefits of all our...
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You said what?! You love the women in your life. You may not always understand them, however, especially when hormones are pendulum-swinging from seemingly self-righteous to self-loathing during their monthly period. That said, you may be looking for ways to...
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Don’t be too alarmed! Have you had a moment where you are realizing that your menstrual cycle in your twenties was way different than it is now in perhaps your 30s or 40s? Maybe even since adolescence? Your cycle is...
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So you are a woman and you are embracing womanhood with your monthly period? Here, we share a bit more about what to expect when you’re expecting… your cycle. 1. While women with asthma have asthma flare ups with...
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