What is Ovulation?
Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary, travels down the fallopian tube, and is made available to be fertilized.
Whether a woman’s intentions are to get pregnant or not, the ovulation process, in an otherwise healthy female with a typical menstrual cycle will release an egg every month, after it’s matured in one of the ovaries.
At this point, the lining of the uterus has thickened to prepare for the fertilized egg. When there is no sperm present to conceive, the uterine lining, as well as blood, is shed to discard what wasn’t needed, as there will not be a pregnancy. This process is menstruation.
Ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal routines and some women may experience some light blood or spotting during ovulation.
While many women can regularly monitor this timeframe of ovulation and the effects of such (like the physical presence of discharge or secretions in their panties), ovulation can occur even if a menstrual period has not occurred. For that reason, we have listed how you can track your ovulation cycle below:
How to Track Ovulation:
Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period.
Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 – Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP.
Ovulation can occur at various times during a cycle and may occur on a different day each month.
For this reason, it is helpful to track your cycle and measure and monitor what you are seeing take place down below.
Our Apele everyday undies are ideal for this. Not only do they keep you dry, but they also allow you to witness the daily absorption taking place so you have an idea of when you are ovulating.
Cervical fluid will change to a wet, slippery substance that resembles “egg whites” just before ovulation occurs until completion.
Coupling Apele everyday undies with a basal thermometer, ovulation kits and fertility monitors can also be a good way to measure and maintain focus around your ovulating.
The timing of ovulation is one of the most important things a woman should understand about her body since it is the determining factor in getting pregnant and preventing pregnancy.
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