In a recent blog, we shared some of the Most Common Causes for Spotting outside of your regular period. We focused on some of the most common and less concerning causes that show up. We would be remiss, however, if...
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Pssttt, you're pregnant. And while that may no longer be a surprise to you, what could be is the way your body will evolve and respond as it prepares for giving birth. One of the most common developments a woman may see during pregnancy is a change in vaginal discharge.
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Looking to get pregnant? Perhaps trying to avoid pregnancy? Ovulation is one of the biggest factors. See how Apele panties can help with monitoring and managing everything down below.
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If you are woman and you're breathing, you have had moments where you’ve wondered if your vaginal health is on track and operating normally. Of course, this is a good thing. To be inquisitive about your overall health...
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The female body is a complex yet intentionally-designed and intuitively-capable system. This is particularly true of the vaginal area which manages multiple changes on its own accord, including the balance of bacteria, pH and moisture. The vagina is capable...
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