How Will My Period Change in my 20s, 30s and 40s?

Don’t be too alarmed! Have you had a moment where you are realizing that your menstrual cycle in your twenties was way different than it is now in perhaps your 30s or 40s?  Maybe even since adolescence?

Your cycle is often an indicator of what's going on in your health and in your life, and with so many transitions between your 20s, 30s, and 40, it isn’t uncommon for your hemorrhaging to change with your happenings.

Hormones are what are actually causing your uterine lining to shed, so it only makes sense that as your hormones fluctuate during certain lifestyle changes, your “flows” will fluctuate also.

From the academic stressors in your adolescence to your maturing into the workforce in your 20s to the typical family-starting feels of the 30s and you’re your health conditions or lifestyle changes that surface with each decade can certainly vary.  While there's no such thing as a "common" period, you can expect that many women's cycles occur every 21 to 36 days and last anywhere from a few days to a full week. This is a good basis to determine how similar your cycles are among a majority or reported experiences.

In your 20s

More often than not, the 20s brings about a lot of maturity and new environments to adapt to. From leaving home and securing a new place (along with all the responsibilities and bills that accompany such), to even leaving behind old friends and venturing into new friendships, relationships and employment opportunities as you say good bye to high school and head into more professional and independent workplaces, there’s a lot of room for stress – both good and bad.  While stress doesn’t have to be negative and can motivate and challenge us in beneficial ways, your period and body may not discern between either and simply respond to stress as it would in even a negative circumstance. This can cause spotting, late arrivals, untimely or inconsistent bleeding and more. You may also find that your dietary needs in your 20s aren’t as strict as they may be when you age. Your metabolism and schedule might encourage fast eating of fast foods. The nutrition you give your body (or do not)  can all affect your cycle also.

In Your 30s

The thirties usually bring about their own challenges and rewarding adventures as well. While you are still likely to have these events occur outside this decade, many women report that their 30s are more about self-care and self-respect than it was about self-discovery in their 20s.  We move on into getting married and invitation to attend weddings of our friends. We are thinking babies or at least seeing babies everywhere as this is when many women begin to start their families. We go from binge-drinking to binge-watching Netflix series and what once was a nervous feeling about what we would be when we grew up molds more into a practical and passionate approach to a career that is more meaningful and aligned with our values.  Because of this surge in self-love and settling down, many women report that their 30s are a vibrant time of still feeling young while also having steady-footing – which, in turn, makes for a more solid and steadfast cycle. Predictability is more common and your monthly cycle becomes far easier to manage as you’ve had hundreds by now, typically.


This also is a time, however, when medical changes can manifest often as well, giving you an overall look at your health.  Because of this, any oddities in your cycle during your 30s (or anytime of course) are imperative to keep an eye on. Some of the most common conditions that can start to develop are fibroids, polyps and benign uterine growths. While most of these aren't harmful to your health, they can interfere with your period. It’s important to track your cycle and get routine check-ups no matter how consistent you feel your cycles are.

In Your 40s

By the time we hit our 40s, our bodies are nearly half-way through their typical lifecycle and longevity.  This isn’t meant to be alarming, however, as reaching the 40s is a time where many women report a strong sense of identity, peace about their daily routines and a comfort with their choices and status quo. So, while stress may not be as rampant, there also may be signs of a slowing menstrual cycle as the body begins to produce less estrogen. Although “menopause” is usually associated with hot flashes, it can cause everything from headaches and breast tenderness to changes in your menstrual period.  Still some women argue that it is worth the occasional symptoms to overall be rid of the monthly menses.

While it is impossible for any period to manifest like another woman’s, these are some common themes women can either monitor for or measure with their OBGYN or professional provider.  As your periods change, the one thing that won’t is Apele’s support for your needs. Be it spotting, leaking, untimely arrivals of periods or similar, our undies line is created specifically with you in mind – both for functionality and form!

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