How to Support Women on their Cycles
A majority of women know how painful and uncomfortable the menstruation cycle can be. Every woman has a different experience, not to mention, the duration of days her cycles may last. To some, it's three days, while others have much longer episodes. Pad-manufacturing companies have gone above and beyond to try and make period days more comfortable with different types of pads or tampons, and now, the arguably most comfortable and recent solution, period panties. To be honest, that’s just a piece of the puzzle. To supplement a woman’s physical comfort during this time, we encourage you to try some of these ideas to assist in de-escalating the oftentimes painful or annoying symptoms of such:
Buy her a heating pad
During a menstrual cycle, the muscles in the womb contract causing a lot of pain to some women while others may just feel discomfort. A heating pad placed on the lower backside or abdomen manages the pain. If that’s outside your budget, put hot water in an approved bottle, wrap it in a towel and place it on her lower belly or the backside. The heat dilates blood vessels in that region, easing the pain.
Buy her a 7-day pack of vitamins and minerals
Losing blood for days also means the body loses crucial vitamins. Periods are no different. She will need those extra vitamins to help replenish what she has lost. Some women experience cravings during their cycle which is commonly believed to be the vitamin C deficiency. It is essential for iron absorption; a nutrient also lost during periods. Vitamin E helps with the moodiness while a B vitamin eases fatigue and depression.
Hydrate her
Blood has a high percentage of water. The more she takes, the better she will feel. Not only will water hydrate, but her cramping will also ease. Women all can agree to some degree, that cramping is not a walk in the park. Painkillers are good for some time, but anti-inflammatory elements are much better like herbal teas such as mint, chamomile, ginger, etc.
The herbal Clary Sage Oil relieves menstrual discomfort by naturally balancing hormone levels easing bloating, mood swings, cramps, etc. An Epsom salt bath helps with blood flow which in turn reduces cramping. Scientists say that improved blood circulation helps women suffering from cramps. With blood circulation, comes more relief and release of menstrual blood. Have no fear, as our period panties are leak proof. A woman can walk around comfortably without fear of being embarrassed, unlike tampons which have a tendency for leakage and pads that do not provide full coverage. In addition, and if within your personal lifestyle, participating in sexual activity and experiencing orgasms increases blood circulation, as well. Muscle contraction happens involuntary, and the spasm-like feelings of the vagina during climax contracts the muscles of the uterus rapidly, which assists in far less pain. So, share with us, what else eases your period plights?
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