
  Today’s modern society has shifted into the mentality that one’s decision to maintain transparency is in everyone’s best interest. Though being open and honest with those around you is a beneficial habit to posses, complete transparency holds the potential...
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                There’s this man in our local community that seems to have a different aura about him. Whenever you’re around him, the world seems to slow down a little bit and his smile is strikingly contagious. He is...
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Life isn’t easy. Drama, relationships, finances... sometimes it feels like so many curveballs are thrown at you. A million things can come at you at one point in time and it can be insanely difficult to stay positive. But it’s...
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We are faced with tough choices every single day. Sometimes, the hardest choice is to speak up and stand up for what is right. We all know that we shouldn't let people walk all over us, but how do we...
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