
Happiness is a complex emotion as its essence is euphoric but its impression is often short-lived. When the giddy emotional high we experience wears off, we seek ways to trigger those emotions again as naturally we feel more confident and...
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                      There are many factors that play into searching out the perfect job. There are so many things to consider such as job duties as it relates to stress levels, sufficient salary to maintain a certain lifestyle, healthcare...
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  It is definitely that time, again!  To look to you all, our customers who balance between conservative and courageous moments in your life and to ask you where your confidence comes from.  At Apele, our main focus is to...
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The novel coronavirus season may be dwindling for some states over but the joys of stores reopening may also bring about the stress of returning to work and fatigue as a lengthy return to normalcy begins.  Maintaining high energy levels with...
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